Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I forgot how much I loved music. I played in a band while in High School. We weren't, but the party lifestyle tore us apart. I kinda took a brake from the scene, and just never really returned. Now I have time again. I've dusted off the guitars, and am practicing regularly again. I'm really rusty but it's coming back. If I keep this up, I'm either going to have to join or start another band. I'll just have to make sure it's one that doesn't take itself too seriously. I've always missed the rush from playing live music with others. There's really nothing quite like it.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Yep the month is turning out very busy.

It's been extremely busy, especially the last week. Starting last Wednesday I drove from Houston to Detroit. It took 22 hour and two days. I then proceeded to have a nice long three day party (with some gaming thrown in for a few hours a day). It involved lots of alcohol, very little sleep (not really a problem), and freaking out everyone who was staying at the hotel and not going to the gaming convention (3 wedding, and at least two other business conferences). Then we had to drive home.

We took a different route, since we decided to never go into Indiana ever again (it took longer to cross Indiana west to east than it took to cross Texas north to south). Just to make things weirder, Indiana continued to plague us for most of the drive home. It started as a joke. We would run into some bad traffic, and make the joke that it has to be someone from Indiana causing this. The first couple of times that we were right it was funny. After six times in a row it was a little strange. After the 12th time we were getting a little freaked out. By the time we got home we had just accepted it, and now we're spreading it to all our friends.

Tuesday it was right back to work. Over the last three days I've worked 32 hour in three days (and as soon as I finish this I'll probably put in another few). There's still Friday to go and I'll probably work a little on Saturday. At least the pay is good, and I can use the money right now.

And I've still got gaming again this weekend and next weekend is Halloween. I guess I'm just going to keep going till I drop.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Had my initial meeting with my lawyer for the divorce today. It went well, considering it was a meeting about a divorce. Hopefully everything will go smoothly. At this point I just want to get it over with and move on.

In other news I have to pack tonight. I'll be driving to Detroit tomorrow for the weekend.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


Tonight I got the first contact from her lawyer about the divorce. It's been a bit of a rough week and this is a fitting end to it.

I just have to deal with one more night, then I'll have a nice weekend of distractions (TRF). Then next week I'll be working two and a half days, then driving to Detroit for ICC (gaming convention). As long as I keep myself distracted, it's all good.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Busy month

The month of October is turning out to be a really busy month. In the first week I put in 42 hours of work in just four days (and only worked 4 hours on Monday). During the first week I have gaming in Houston on Friday, gaming in Huntsville on Saturday, and Sunday I'm going to enjoy some football with J. (friend who I've known for 14 years). I'm also going to fit some more hours of work in there somewhere.

Next week will also be a busy week at work. K. gave his notice and will only be available for the next two weeks. Since we just started a complete redesign on the site, and he's the lead artist we have to get everything we can out of him in the next two weeks. Next weekend is the opening weekend of Ren-Fair, and I'll be camping out there with some friends. It will be a fun weekend of dressing strange, drinking, and heckling random people.

The next week will be a short work week. I'll be leaving town on Wednesday, to drive to Detroit for the weekend. I'll be spending the weekend at ICC and massive gaming convention. I'll know quite a few people from the local areas so it should be a lot of fun.

I should be back on Monday, but it may take us till Tuesday to get back. Things should get back to normal this week, but you never know that far out. This is the only weekend this month that I don't have specific plans. Since the last weekend is Halloween (and J and T always have a big party for it). I may just try to relax a little, or not.