Wednesday, August 28, 2013

catching up

Wow, I thought the last post was a long time in coming. More than three years since that entry. 

Once again my intentions are to start posting more regularly, but who knows how that will go. 

Lots of changes again. Moved to Jersey to work for a startup for a couple of years (I think this killed my intention to keep up with posts). Then left there to work in NYC. Spent the last year mostly working as a consultant for a small company on-site at Bloomberg. 

Working for the startup in Jersey was an interesting experience. I had the opportunity to build my own team. I helped the company grow from locations in five countries to just under thirty, before I left. I moved their hosting to AWS and standardized their deployment processes. I helped them move most of their development in-house, then moved it overseas to a team in Hungary, and got to go to Budapest to help get that started. There was so much going on that I could probably write several posts just about my time there, and I may write up some of them in the future.  While I was there I spent way too much time working; 70 hours a week was not unusual, and there were several weeks that broke 90. Then I got to watch everything I had built pretty much implode over a six month period. That part wasn't fun at all. 

After that, NYC. I've wanted to live and work in NYC since I visited it in the late 90's. So now I'm living in the East Village and working a short subway ride away. I'm currently acting as a senior Rails developer, and consulting at Bloomberg (I don't work for Bloomberg, but am on site as a contractor in their government sector). For large corporate work it's a pretty good position, but I don't think I can ever be passionate about working for a large corporation. There's just too many things that I don't like about the environments of larger corporations, and I dont' think it's something that's going to change.  

So I'm going to try and use the blog as a space for my less technical writings. I will probably also be writing some more technical posts, but they will most likely be posted on my company's blog instead of here (I'll be sure and post a link though). 

Until next time (hopefully it won't bee too long this time). 

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