Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I'm mainly setting this up as a form of catharsis.

Currently I'm going through the break up of a thirteen year relationship, and need some form of outlet. I (hopefully won't really be going into a lot about the divorce, but need a place to say the thing I once shared with her.

In short, we had been to counseling, worked some things out, had other issues, she gave up. It will work out in the end. I really discovered who my friends are (and how lucky I am to have them).

That's I'll I really want to say publicly.

As for me, I'm a developer (Ruby, PHP, Perl) in Houston, Tx. I'm currently working a long term contract, but may be interested in getting out of this town (for the right position and location). I am the co-founder of an online video gaming company (yes, I get ownership of this, she gets the House). I now have time to do a lot of the things I let slip to the side while involved in a relationship (music, working out, travel, etc).

As for this blog, I'm mainly going to be using it as an outlet for those thing I used to share with her. I find it good to talk through my ideas, and the things that happen. There will be some tech talk, some "wow can you believe this", and whatever else happens to strike me as needing to get out.

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